
class FileChangeHandler(directory, extensions, options)

This handler is responsible for handling changed file events in antiweb’s daemon mode.

  • directory (string) – absolute path to the monitored source directory
  • extensions (tuple<string>) – contains all handled file extensions (“.cs”, “.py”, etc)
  • options – antiweb commandline options
  • created_files – a set which contains the absolute paths of all previously created documentation files
class FileChangeHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):

    def __init__(self, directory, extensions, options, created_files):
        self._directory = directory
        #antiweb commandline options
        self._options = options
        self._handled_extensions = extensions
        self._event_counter = 0
        self._created_files = set()
process_event(self, event)

Handles the file events: ‘modified’ | ‘created’ | ‘moved’ | ‘deleted’.

The events trigger an update of the corresponding documentation file. Ignored events are: deleted files, changed directories, files without a handled extension and changes of antiweb’s created documentation files.

Parameters:event – The file event that should be handled. Possible event types: ‘modified’ | ‘created’ | ‘moved’ | ‘deleted’
def process_event(self, event):

    self._event_counter += 1
    time_stamp = "[" + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + " " + str(self._event_counter).zfill(5) + "] "

    changed_file = event.src_path

    if event.event_type == "moved":
        #moved event has to be handled differently:
        #the file has been moved so it is now located in event.dest_path
        changed_file = event.dest_path

    ignore_change = changed_file in self._created_files or not changed_file.endswith(self._handled_extensions) or \
              event.is_directory or event.event_type == "deleted"

    if not ignore_change:
        #process change
        created_file = write(self._directory, changed_file, self._options, False)

        if created_file:

        event_string = create_write_string(changed_file, created_file)
        #ignore change
        event_string = "Ignored change: " + changed_file + " [" + event.event_type + "]"

    #using autoflush to immediately print the output
    print(time_stamp + event_string, flush=True)
  • events ‘created’, ‘modified’, ‘moved’ and ‘deleted’ are handled by the process_event method
  • event ‘moved’ is triggered when a subdirectory of the monitored source directory contains monitored files and the subdirectory is renamed
  • note that when a file is modified/created watchdog may get multiple events
def on_modified(self, event):

def on_created(self, event):

def on_moved(self, event):
    #this event is triggered when a src directory contains a subdirectory with some files
    #and the subdirectory is renamed. the event is then triggered for all files within
    #the subdirectory and the subdirectory itself

def on_deleted(self, event):